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Let's together start a new ritual
Almost no one knows about Europe Day. We want to change that together. We want to raise awareness of 9 May, the annual Europe Day, and strengthen it as a symbol of a tolerant and diverse Europe.
The aim is to establish the phrase “Happy Europe Day!” as a common greeting. Here we document the ideas and actions of companies, institutions and individuals. Everyone can join in. Be part of it!
The history of Europe Day
The idea behind the Schuman Declaration was almost visionary: for lasting peace to prevail in Europe, enemy states must become friendly states, Europe must become a place of encounter and common ground. States, regions and people all over Europe must cooperate, act together and exchange ideas with each other so that not only lasting peace but also steadily growing prosperity for all can be achieved.
Since then, the longest epoch of peace and prosperity in Europe has ever existed.
In order to create a worthy monument to this idea, which was first articulated on May 9, 1950 and became reality only a little later, Europe Day is celebrated every year on May 9. For EU employees it is an official holiday. But also Kosovo and Luxembourg have already introduced Europe Day as an official holiday.
Because Europe Day stands for the departure into a Europe of peace, cooperation, diversity and tolerance, we want to ensure with our actions that this day has more visibility throughout Europe.
May 9 is Europe Day. Each year. But why is that a reason to celebrate? May 9 is the anniversary of the laying of the foundation of European unification process, which has brought peace, freedom and prosperity to our continent since then. Where nations fought each other bloodily for centuries, an area of peace has emerged that is unique in the world. Of course there is a lot to improve in Europe and a lot to change, and far too often Europe does not live up to its own set of values. But to improve this, we need more Europe, not less. The focus must not be on the Europe of the institutions, but on the Europe of the people. This is also what Europe Day should be about.
So it is good that there is a Europe Day that could focus more attention on Europe and its values. A day that is also a positive reminder of what has been achieved. But almost nobody knows this day and its meaning, although it is celebrated on May 9 every year.
We want to change that! We want to raise awareness of May 9, the annual Europe Day, and strengthen it as a symbol of a tolerant and diverse Europe. And we want to reach as many people as possible.
So we want to start a new ritual. With a small sentence: “Happy Europe Day!”
The goal: on May 9, as many people, organizations and companies as possible spread this “European greeting”. Everyone in their own way and everyone with their possibilities. We want to ensure that the greeting around May 9 is present in as many different places and channels as possible. We want Europe to be where people spend their everyday lives. Every year from this year on.
We are delighted that so many people, organizations and companies joined this idea right from the start. And there are more every day. Take part: Let’s create a new ritual together:
Happy Europe Day!

Allen Reisenden wird an 4600 Bahnhöfen in ganz Deutschland auf Displays der Deutschen Bahn „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht.

Beim Heimspiel des 1.FC Köln gegen den SC Freiburg am 9. Mai um 13:30 Uhr wird den Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer von einer Stadionbande im Rheinenergie-Stadion „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht.

Durch Unterstützung von Wall wird Passanten an 45 digitalen Großflächen am 9. Mai „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht.

U-Bahn-Reisenden in Berlin wird am 9. Mai im Berliner Fenster, dem U-Bahn-TV, „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht.

Die Deutsche Bahn setzt ein weit sichtbares Zeichen für Europa. Am Abend des 9. Mai (ab 21 Uhr) erstrahlt der Berliner Hauptbahnhof europäisch und mit dem Gruß “Alles Gute zum Europatag!”.

Allen Reisenden in den ICE-Zügen der Deutschen Bahn wird im Zugmagazin, der DB-Mobil „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht (Seite 79). Zudem erscheint der Gruß in 60 ICE-Zügen auf den Monitoren im Zug.

Die Deutsche Bank wünscht auf Displays in Filialen und Standorten in 11 europäischen Ländern “Alles Gute zum Europatag!”.

U-Bahn-Reisenden in Berlin wird vom 6. bis zum 9. Mai im Berliner Fenster, dem U-Bahn-TV, „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ von der Stadt Berlin gewünscht.

Allen Besuchern der Unternehmenswebsite der Deutschen Bank wird am 9. Mai dort auf einem Banner „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht.

Am 8. Mai grüßt der SV Werder Bremen von einer Videowall im Stadion und dazu gibt es eine emotionale Europa-Ansprache von Stadionsprecher Arnd Zeigler.

Auf der Startseite von MSN wird dem Europatag ein besonderer Platz eingeräumt und Nutzer*innen werden auf den Aktionstag aufmerksam gemacht.

Microsofts Suchmaschine Bing macht den Europatag zum Trendthema und wünscht allen Suchenden am 09. Mai „Alles Gute zum Europatag“.

Am 7. und 8. Mai wird den Einkaufenden in allen REWE Supermärkten in Deutschland auf den Kassenzetteln „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ gewünscht.

Microsoft wünscht in der Woche des Europatages allen Gästen der „Microsoft Eatery“ in Berlin Unter den Linden „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“, indem der Gruß dort auf den vielen im Café verteilten Screens erscheint.

Am 9. Mai ab 21 Uhr erstrahlt der Post Tower in Bonn mit dem Gruß „Alles Gute zum Europatag!“ – in allen 24 EU-Amtssprachen.
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